A little explanation to what Woulfe posted :P
9/04 12:10 Hemi : were gonna do that snoozzeey...though not that expensive...
29/04 12:10 Benjamin : luhmaoow
29/04 12:10 Snooze : by the looks of it, you people need a good florist!!!
29/04 12:10 Benjamin : are you gonna invite the queen?
29/04 12:10 Woulfe : can i be the priest?
29/04 12:10 Snooze : lol
29/04 12:10 Hemi : woulge did the server crash yesterday or did it restart auto?
29/04 12:10 Benjamin : snooze, stuff like this requires more subtlety, not a billion multicoloured roses cellotaped together
29/04 12:10 Snooze : I actually want my brother to marry us, I wanna have him get liscensed
29/04 12:10 Hemi : woulfe
29/04 12:11 Snooze : this isnt subtle benji, its leftovers
29/04 12:11 Woulfe : hemi
29/04 12:11 Benjamin : you can't marry your brother
29/04 12:30 MrRuldolph : wow they look so bored xD
29/04 12:31 Benjamin : I have a penis
29/04 12:31 Snooze : thats what I've been saying!!
29/04 12:31 Snooze : uhh
29/04 12:31 Benjamin : what
29/04 12:31 Snooze : what rudolph said
29/04 12:31 Benjamin : you knew I had a penis all along
29/04 12:31 Snooze : not you benji
29/04 12:31 Snooze : lmao
29/04 12:31 Snooze : unfortunate XD
29/04 12:31 Benjamin : :'(
29/04 12:31 Woulfe : who's marrying snoozes brother?
29/04 12:31 MrRuldolph : snooze has a penis? so thats how hemi swings then
29/04 12:32 Benjamin : I like weewee
29/04 12:32 Snooze : yeah yeah make fun of me :P
29/04 12:32 Snooze : hate on snooze day was overdue anyway
29/04 12:32 MrRuldolph : Woots :D
